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Biography Resources: Biography Resources

Resources to help researchers locate biographical information.

MeL Resources

Click on the icons below to be taken directly into the Michigan eLibrary (MeL) resource.  

Biography Reference Center

More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.

Britannica School - High


Quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and more. Biographies, world atlas, countries comparison, articles, and interactive resources are available.

Biography Research

When seeking information about a person it is helpful to collect some basic information prior to beginning a search on the Internet. 

Full name - First, middle and last

Correct spelling of the name along with any alternative spelling of the name.

Nickname(s) and/or stage names

Birth and death dates

Place of birth

Most of the above information is available from an encyclopedia and beginning any research project in an actual print encyclopedia is a worthy measure.  It will save you time and effort in the long run.

As you begin your research on-line keep in mind that many search engines search for the exact term that you enter into the search box.  Consequently, your search will retrieve only what you ask for.  If you enter incorrect information, such as an incorrect spelling of the persons name, your search may result in 0 results. 

Be careful as you enter search terms and read carefully your search results.  In reading the results you will gain more information that will help you to continue your search successfully.

Destiny Library Catalog

Remember that through Destiny, when you search, you will have results that are print books, ebooks and websites.  

eBook High School Collection


For high school students and educators. There is a selection of teacher resources and titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.

Explora for High Schools


Provides hundreds of popular magazines and reference books for high school libraries. Covers subjects such as art, history, sports, and music. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Also includes photos, maps, and flags. Pulls content from the following eResources.

History Reference Center


Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures.

Science Reference Center


Contains material from science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. More than 4,000 full text, full-length biographies. Includes: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, the environment, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, and wildlife.

Subject Guide

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Lisa Brakel
Lisa Brakel, M.Ed., M.L.S.
Airport Community Schools
11270 Grafton Road
Carleton, MI 48117
(734) 654-6205 Wagar School Office
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